

In this section, we have collected information and knowledge affecting the Customers of Porsche Finance Zrt. in relation to the payment moratoria provided by law.


The period of the payment moratorium under Act CVII of 2020 and Government Decree 216/2022 (17 July) and the debtors eligible for the moratorium were amended several times and finally ended on 31 December 2022.

Our Company recalculated and converted the relevant financing contracts for all Customers who opted for the opportunity provided by the payment moratorium, even if temporarily. Pursuant to the referred law, the original term of the financing contract was extended depending on the duration of the moratorium on payments. The outstanding principal debt and its accrued interest for the requested period of the payment moratorium, as well as its future interest, shall be paid by the Lessee/Debtor during the remaining term in a way that the amount of the monthly lease fee/instalment due and the amount of interest accrued together may not exceed the amount of the monthly lease fee/instalment calculated in accordance with the initial contractual terms (without the use of the moratorium) for the first month following the expiry of the moratorium.

Our Company has sent the amended new repayment plan to the relevant Customers.


In Government Decree 292/2022 (08 August), the Government of Hungary granted a moratorium on payments to agricultural enterprises until 31 December 2023. The payment moratorium applies to loans already disbursed under contracts existing on 31 August 2022.

The moratorium is open to debtors meeting the conditions set out in the government decree, but the period for entering the moratorium is over.

The debtor has the possibility to withdraw from the moratorium at any time, but if the debtor decides to quit, their decision is final and they cannot re-enter the moratorium.

The exit statement form is provided below and must be completed, signed and delivered to our Company as indicated above:

Payment moratorium exit statement - Agricultural moratorium (HU)